I received my order after 6 months of the business ghosting me
I would not repurchase
Energize your skin by scrubbing it with organic coffee beans that are filled with antioxidants. It's a rough, wet sand texture kind of scrub to remove dead skin cells. Combined with organic none refined, delicious cocoa butter to moisturize your skin deeply, prevent and fight stretch marks.
Energize your skin by scrubbing it with organic coffee beans that are filled with antioxidants. It's a rough, wet sand texture kind of scrub to remove dead skin cells. Combined with organic none refined, delicious cocoa butter to moisturize your skin deeply, prevent and fight stretch marks.
Blog posts
Read more about not your regular coffee scrub
سبعة فوائد لاستخدام سنفرة القهوة
سبعة فوائد لاستخدام مقشر القهوة القهوة ليست مشروبًا شائعًا فحسب ، بل إنها مكون رائع لمنتجات العناية بالبشرة. أحد أكثر المنتجات المستندة إلى القهوة شعبية هو مقشر القهوة. يتم صنع...
7 benefits of using a coffee scrub! Energize, nourish & fight skin problems.
This blog post describes the benefits of using a coffee scrub on your skin. Coffee scrubs are made by mixing coffee grounds with other natural ingredients to create a paste...