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★ Judge.me Reviews
Please let us know in full detail what you loved about our product :) : Amazing
Please let us know in full detail please what did you love about the product : The moisturizing effect
احلى مرطب استخدمته صراحه يرطب من قلب و يتم الترطيب لي ثاني يوم عجيب شويه عليه و ريحته تهبل
Please let us know in full detail what you loved about our product :) : لم اجربه
Please let us know in full detail please what did you love about the product : تاخر
Hello there,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the delay in delivery. It seems that there may have been an issue with the phone number provided, which may have caused the delay. We would be happy to assist you further and ensure that you receive your product as soon as possible. Please provide us with the correct phone number and we will make sure to update our records accordingly. Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards,
Customer Service Team
Please let us know in full detail what you loved about our product :) : It was great everything was perfect even the pact
Please let us know in full detail please what did you love about the product : Body spray warm vanilla
حدددده خيالي وريحته عجيبه طلبته قبل جم يوم وخذته رفيجتي والحين طلبت حقي وحقها
Please let us know in full detail what you loved about our product :) : ❤️🔥
Please let us know in full detail please what did you love about the product : ❤️🔥
Please let us know in full detail what you loved about our product :) : Very good
Please let us know in full detail please what did you love about the product : Warm vanilla spray
It smells so good 🧁🧁🧁🧁